Run, Find Solace in the Enchanted Woodland of Shadowed Arts.

Run, my little one. Run with all of your heart on fire, and let the light of your pure intention illuminate your way.
Run, sweetheart. Run into the immediacy of darkness, so that you learn to let go. Be energetic motion that moves forward into the unknown, with only your third eye to feel your way through the demons that dance in the pale moonlight.
Run, my beautiful child. Into the nothingness, as the divine and creative spirit protects you on your journey. Leave the chase of a contrived and false conscious bond behind you. They may have had the best of intentions, but neither the presence nor truthful heart to ever accept it. Find forgiveness on your worn path for the elder who failed to understand the spark that gives the indomitable energy in your stride.
Run, honey. Feed upon the savagery of the paternal betrayal that triggers detachment of your mind from your body once more. Drink your tears to find nourishment from the anguish of being abandoned in the pierced and strange wilderness. Leave behind a family littered with false prophecies of agape love, counterfeit bonds and dreamed maternal untruths.
Run, my tender cherub. Run far away from the footsteps behind the closed and locked door you left behind. Use their resonances to create distance from the hollow sanctuary that was nothing more than a false home that attempted to strip you of your power.
It is not your fault. Your good nature opened the front door with the naïve hope that the sun shining through would brighten the veiled windows of their heart. Instead, their ego ushered you beyond the threshold of their attention and awareness. Evoked experience from a false guardian seeking to damage the core material of who you are, through a forced feral feline sisterhood.
Run, darling. Find solace in the enchanted woodland of shadowed arts. You alone possess the magic to heal the bruises, bumps and scrapes when you lose your footing on the tangled roots of this sacrificial altar. Let your heart pound with the urgency of a war drum that echoes in the greenery around you. The sounds of your higher vibration turns the forest’s jagged slopes to rubble beneath your unbound feet.
Feel the freedom of each step that elevates you into your own salvation.
Run, my angel. With such swiftness that the world rushing past finds stillness in relation to your harried pace. Let the winds whisper the wisdom of the trees that powerfully stand in their centurion solitude to protect you.
Run, earth child. The wide-eyed nymph with the naïve heart who longs for the type of alchemic discovery that always seems just beyond her fingertips. Travel with the current of renewal that flows in the streams and atop the spirit of hope that is woven in the stars.
Run, my trusting spirit. Who loves so achingly deep it breaks you to the bedrock of your being to have to leave those you once loved and lived for behind.
While you are alone in your journey, it is alright to wish to connect with others who are authentic in their consciousness and presence. Those souls that call to you in your intuitive dreams. A sacred space that gives you strength and understanding in the moments where you must fight to survive within the harsh desolate winter that was thrust upon you.
Run, baby girl. Run towards the eternal flame of your soul purpose. Never look back. Let it ignite your heart with forgiveness… for you must never let the monsters steal the beauty and power of your divine light. Though you are but a child, you have lived the experience of a thousand years hidden between the layers of sunlight that transforms the morning dew into gemstones.
Those left to the dawn often hear the enchanted woods echo the sounds of your luminous spirit singing an old folk song as a cautionary reminder of the one who released you into your wild:
“You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
You make me happy when skies are grey
You never know, dear, how much I love you
Please don’t take my sunshine away…”
V. Nicole Godin is a soulful creator of life and art, and a relentless seeker. A warrior goddess, philanthropist, empath and survivor, she is passionate about sharing meaningful conversations of the heart and soul through the timeless language of vulnerable truths. Those who know her well describe her as an inspired badass free spirit whose quest is to live authentically through the beautiful energy of those around her. When she isn’t riding motorcycles, meditating, mentoring or teaching, she is helping others find the strength to rise from within. You may contact Nikki via Instagram or Facebook.
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