They Want to Sell Us Magic.

Inside an Atlantic City casino, nothing is beautiful. Carpet patterns clash with neon signs, and even the Little Italy vibe of the indoor shopping plaza feels scummy.
There is no fresh air, no sunlight or starlight, and no contact with nature. Walking past the gaming tables, thick with cigarette smoke, I marveled at the quantity of people consumed in an activity I do not understand.
My childhood best friend wanted to celebrate her bachelorette party in this baffling place. So I shower myself in energetic shields of golden light, reminding myself this is some kind of initiation.
“It’s harder than a firewalk or sweat lodge,” I text my partner.
Our group is searching for a place to snack when I stop short.
A gorgeous African angel looks back at me with loving eyes, lit up on the top of a slot machine. She is labeled a ‘Sacred Guardian’, and holds a snowy owl amidst her delicate golden jewelry. On the machine next to her, there is a Nordic angel, equally stunning, with a joyful-looking unicorn.
It occurs to me that people choose the slot themes to play, and here are some offering a chance to win by connecting with goddess archetypes!
In this moment, the clarity of deception stuns me.
There are gambling game-designers who understand people want to connect with the Sacred Feminine, and they use this to elicit players for these slots.
Immediate sadness floods my body. I am beside myself. Should I shake those sitting here, imploring them to look for the Divine Feminine in any other place but here?
When Nothing is Sacred
Fast forward.
Another initiation.
We are in Florida for a family vacation, and I find myself at Disney Springs, the Disneyland for adults, a huge outdoor shopping mall.
Nighttime crowds of consumers are completely over-stimulating me, but I notice a window display.
Two little girl mannequins are dressed in princess gowns, as Snow White and Cinderella. Surrounding them are fake bushes and trees, flowers and butterflies. Twinkling fairy lights shine through the shrubs. They appear to be playing in the gardens of a castle, free to the whims of beauty and light.
A quotation from Walt Disney appears on the window in large gold letters: “I don’t like formal gardens, I like wild nature.”
I want to laugh and shout in rage. How can they do this? Where is the person responsible for this outrageous contradiction: Wild nature around Disneyland? The whole place is a chemical fiasco, plastic and fake.
And it’s suddenly so clear: They want to sell us magic!
From there, I become attuned to the pattern, and similar contradictions pour in.
A sign hangs above iceberg lettuce, claiming, “Wild greens.” A jewelry ad uses color therapy and nature to try to sell blood diamonds. More slot machines, espousing power animals and ancient deities as their gaming luck symbols.
Freeing our Divinity from Disney
The forces for awakening are vibrant. Globally there is a call for connecting to our hearts, being in tune with the rhythms of nature, healing our traumas, and exuding love.
If you share this path of spirituality, then you understand this is a vibrational state, a way of shining love to others around you, a breath-in and breath-out way of being.
For me, it’s easy to be isolated in Yoga studios and Red Tents, enjoying vegan potlucks with like-minded friends on the weekends. We do our best to be joyful and kind, while also expressing Kali’s righteous indignation at the obvious injustices of our modern times.
Through my recent initiations at casinos and cruise ships, places I wouldn’t typically wander, it’s clear how naïve I’ve been about the shadow side of our society. Just as brightly as we are shining our lights, there is an intentional mass deception occurring around us.
Standing before it, I am stunned to feel the gravity of parasitic forces at play against our awakening.
In one dimension, there are marketers doing their jobs. People are paid to go to work and create associations so the public consumes. They are simply appealing to the general lack of connection with magic, and using this to sell us goods and services.
But in another dimension, there are larger forces at play — the main ‘game’ we are presented is created and controlled by parasitic entities in other-dimensional realms.
If we hold true that everything is an expression of Source, both darkness and light, then just as we are becoming more keenly attuned in the awakening, so too is the Shadow becoming stealthier in its efforts to mask truth from humanity.
In this fearful era, the message of the Shadow is like a sweet haven:
“Come, rest into the comforts of the world, and let it will fill the void of domestication. Drink the cocktail of consumption, and it will connect you. If you don’t feel connected, then you must be doing it wrong. But keep trying, because soon you will strike it rich, and have all you’ve ever longed for.
On your journey, beware — don’t actually do anything wild! Nature is dangerous, so let others bring it to you in nice packages. It’s enough for you to simply buy the next thing, and it just might be what connects you to your own magical Divinity so you can live happily ever after.”
As we hear this message, we begin to believe in the disconnection.
We want so badly to know connection that we fall into the lie that Nature and wildness and magic can be sold.
Being disconnected is what keeps the wheel of illusion turning.
Millions of our loved ones — our own friends and family members — are distracted by believing they can find Divine Love in a mall. They are engaged with feeding into the lie told by the embrace of addiction, whether it’s shopping, gambling, substance use, or other escapes.
In the meantime, they are missing out on the only truly safe thing we have: the profound connection with Divine Love in us.
Where Our Wild Things Are
Just as we explore the fringes and depth of light, this moment is allowing us to explore all the sides of Shadow, including our own.
It’s in the very act of going inward, of healing the self-hate towards our own godliness, that we can disrupt the effects of addictions and simply be with Spirit.
When we can sit silently underneath a tree, meditating on our holiness, feeling our heart center connect to a caterpillar, this is what will infuse brighter light into the mass consciousness.
My own return to Spirit has brought me to surrender to the fact I can only live when I have frequent, un-manicured time with Nature.
My ability to be present to my intuitive sensitivity and soul’s purpose is sustained when I overcome shopping impulses, looking at what’s under my desire for more stuff.
Sure, many times I give in and just want to enjoy the rush of bringing home new clothes or art or those amazing tarot cards. There’s an instinctual hunter-gatherer trigger that’s activated when I’m feeling scarce, and shopping can satisfy an urge… for a moment.
Then I’m ultimately left with the remembering that magic cannot be sold.
Magic is just Us!
So, beautiful, awakened friends, please stay alert. Look for the ways they are trying to sell you magic and love and connection.
Hold grace and rage as you witness the illusion.
Bring loving-kindness to those dear ones who are buying the lie.
And what is most important, if you wear a princess gown — or princely cape — travel far enough so it gets muddy in a creek and torn by wild raspberry thorns, so you will be sure to touch the wild Divine Love within your own soul.
Aria Mae is an Ancestral Healer, Priestess, and Spiritual Heart Surgeon. She creates heart-awakening medicinal experiences through her Magical Monday private retreats and group gatherings. Using a medley of family constellation therapy, shadow work, sociology, animal communication, tantra, mindfulness and love, Aria helps others mend what may have been deemed ‘broken’ by life’s trials, forever activating the vibrancy of their heart’s intuitive abilities. You could contact her via her website.
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