New Moon Total Solar Eclipse: Have Courage, Destiny Is Calling.

The New Moon is occurring on August 21 at 2:30 pm Eastern Time in the sign of Leo at 28 degrees.
This Leo New Moon is the second of twin Leo New Moons that are occurring back-to-back over July and August, but this one is during a total solar eclipse. Eclipses shift the energy moving forward in the months following the eclipse itself. So changes started now can have an impact for months to come. This is a powerful time for beginnings and for endings.
The New Moon total solar eclipse calls us to be very heart-focused and open to our destiny. We feel the weight that has been on us for too long, the burdens that have been holding us back. Yet deep within, we know that we are called to so much more. We are powerful vessels of creation. We are capable of manifesting anything into being. And we are realizing it, waking up to our own possibility.
We are realizing that we have the power to shape our world and our destiny with our own hands.
The solar eclipse brings very powerful manifesting energy for us to work with. It supercharges the intentions we set and the changes we make. It has the power to bring miracles and great change flowing into our world. Unexpected events and occurrences are possible with eclipses, which can occur on a global scale. This can herald a time of big change for the US, where the eclipse will be the most visible.
This Moon is very destiny-focused and asks us what we are here to embody in this world. This is a time of looking deep within at the medicine that is longing to be brought into being. You are here to embrace your individual expression. It’s time to hear what is calling to you and have the courage to dare, open and listen.
The time has come for recognizing your talents which can extend to leadership and looking at your independence. This Moon reminds us that we need to embrace sovereignty in our own lives and take back the reins.
Now more than ever before we are being called to shape our own identity and embrace the truth of who we are. Of course, we need to do so with self-confidence and trust our abilities. Many of us feel we don’t know who we are, so how can we embrace all that we are? This Moon tells us not to fall into the same old limiting patterns. Don’t run from your magic or your feelings, open your arms to them.
You know the truth of who you are, even if it can be hard to see at times. You can feel your dreams moving in the unseen. Take the risk and follow your heart. It will lead the way.
This is a time of focusing on the ideas that are flowing, the brilliant and creative ones that set fire to your veins with promise for the future. But we need to silence the inner demons of criticism that howl within; the lies they whisper hold no truth. It’s time to silence their toxic dialogue.
This is a powerful time for launching big things forward. The last New Moon was our Eclipse Gateway where we entered this powerful portal of creation, and now we are supercharging the energy of manifesting big change with this total solar eclipse. When we move in the direction of what sets our heart and soul on fire, we are moving in the direction of lasting triumph in our lives.
Love and romance are a big focus during this Moon, specifically looking to relationships where we are seeking more lasting, passionate, real love. Intense love encounters can be possible as well as a deepening passion in current unions, if authenticity is there.
Ceres opposed Pluto is showing us where we have been paying too steep a price for love. We are being shown where there may be strenuous connections that have become unsustainable as they no longer are in alignment with the truth of what we need.
The asteroid Goddess Juno, protectress of marriage, is in Capricorn, where she has been asking us to look to the security and commitment in our partnerships, where it is lacking and what we are authentically needing. We have to honor our hearts and choose what is best for us, even if it means leaving some relationships behind.
This eclipse cycle can shift relationships very quickly, which can have partnerships deepening or falling apart unexpectedly, especially in those that have been existing on borrowed time.
Relationship changes can happen suddenly where we have been seeing the same patterns and cycles repeated. If you have been in a place where your needs have not been met, if there hasn’t been growth or you have not been appreciated fully, this energy can finally give you the courage to move on once and for all.
Move away from drama and stress and open to something more constant and consistent. This can mean letting go of the way we thought things would look, and becoming more fluid and open to the possibilities that are unfolding, even if we can’t see them immediately.
Look to your health and your well-being moving forward. Take care of yourself. Eat right. Get outside and connect with the Earth. Sleep more. Manage your stress. Listen to your intuition. Treat your body right, this is very important for the road that lies ahead.
Watch for drama that can rise during this Moon. Be aware of being too stubborn when it comes to your path. Sometimes the plan will change, we need to be flexible. Some of the greatest unfolding can come unexpectedly. Others may try to throw shade on the changes you are wanting to make right now. Speak your truth, don’t be afraid to roar, and stick to your plan. And above all, listen to your heart.
The New Moon is a very powerful time to set your intentions for what you are wishing to call into being. This is especially important during an eclipse as this can set much of what you are wanting to create or change during this eclipse season and over the next few months into motion. The Moon is trine Uranus, which can help these changes be facilitated more fluidly.
Be heart-centered, be clear, be focused, be bold, and during this time, be selective about what you put your energy into as the Universe is listening and where we put energy we see manifestation.
The New Moon eclipse offers us an opportunity to magnify what we are wanting to call into being during the next few months, so use this time wisely to make space, clear the unneeded and focus on what you want to manifest under these powerful skies.
For the New Moon time in your area, check the lunar phase calendar.
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