Rebelle Society

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The Day I Befriended My Voice.

As a therapist, I understand we play old patterns in our lives, but it is not on purpose, and we need to be careful when we discuss such situations placing too much responsibility on the victimized person rather than the ones who perpetrated the abuse.

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What I Learned On My Vision Quest In Costa Rica.

I came undone emotionally, spiritually and physically. I never cried so much in my life. At one point, I remember I had a dream that I was home in New Jersey, and when I woke up, I looked up at my mosquito net in my own pile of sweat, and bawled my eyes out. My ego wouldn’t let me share this  ...

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The Gun Control Debate Is Over.

{source} The gun control debate is over. Americans (the vocal ones, at least) insist that their right to own guns is greater than another’s right to life. To not be killed by a gun. It really is that simple. The debate was over as soon as the dust settled over Columbine, and things didn’t  ...

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13 Signs You’ve Fallen In Love With A Zombie.

I mistook strange as special, odd as unique and unusual as exceptional. There was something not quiet right, that I just couldn’t place, something that was off somehow but it’s so difficult to understand. I sensed the truth, but thought, how could it be? The rot had set in. He was soon to be  ...

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