Life is sublime and devastating, but it doesn't own you. It cannot break you. If you know and accept and love 'you', that should be a comfort, not a terror.
She is a living mandala of light and shadow, and she owes you nothing; she is the cocooned Creatrix unfurling wings so fragile they would crumble in sunlight.
Art therapy has two goals. First, it aims to give patients an avenue to release their stress and other anxieties. Second, it aims to help our patients get grounded and believe that their addiction is just a roadblock they can overcome.
You make me want to learn Morse code, so that if we were ever bound and gagged and held hostage, we could tap out a plan to save ourselves and everyone else,
and if the plan went wrong, I could spend the last moments of our lives looking at you and batting 'I love you' with my eyelashes over ...
Life is asking you to keep seeing the signs that have brought you here, to keep hearing your heart, your calling. Yes, synchronicities are harder to find, but they are still there, for sure. You see less of them -- only because fear and anxiety have gotten closer to your skin. Of course, it ...
We are emerging now from the moon in her darkest phase. A time to incubate and to unfold into life, instead of chasing it. A time of wisdom and introspection. Planting the seeds of our desires and allowing them to come to fruition as the moon reaches her peak of fullness again mid-month. This ...
This heartbroken world doesn’t need more clowns or celebrities, it doesn’t need more pissed-off grown-ups, dream thieves, frowning or pretense from empty-hearted, superficial but successful people. It needs curiosity and passion, storytelling and truth, uniqueness and variety, dreamers crazy ...