Create what you desire by taking your time and saving your sex for someone who honors you, instead of that which gives you a hint of flattery and desire.
They want you to keep calm because they want to limit your power. They want you to keep your head down, to clock in and out of your job, go home and drink or smoke or eat the pressures away while remaining complacent enough to not make any real change.
I was no angel either. When a guy fucked me right away and deigned to call me the next day, I recoiled, referring to an Eminem lyric that rang all too true.
I reached my threshold of silent witnessing. I could feel my voice open up. Instinctively came my roaring defender and protector, saying: Fuck you for not acting with integrity. Fuck you for not taking responsibility. Fuck you for hurting me. Fuck you for manipulating me. Fuck you for not being ...
I discovered the joy of swearing at an early age, despite (or maybe because of) parents who seldom swore and strongly discouraged their three daughters from doing so.
Now, when little ones are on the scene?
My language is immaculate. Pristine.
That stipulation becomes a way
of bringing mindfulness to each word I say.
F-bombs become a tool
of my own mindfulness school.
I keep to heart this one rule:
If I can see a child,
my language remains ...