Rebelle Society

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A Note to My Daughter.

I wanted to write a few words of guidance for my daughter, and although this letter began as something solely for her, as I reread it, I realized that it's a letter for all of us -- young, old, daughter, son, mother, father... human. Take what you like, leave the rest behind.

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Authenticity: Inhabiting Wildly Tender Revolution.

Congruent authenticity happens in the guts and bowels of your life. Being authentic is the grunt-work of the soul, of any deeply human, spiritual path. Being half here, half there, halfhearted, faking it to look good, strategizing to make things easier for your self — that’s the common way of  ...

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Cutting The Head Off The Mediocre Monster.

Were you caged as I was? Comfortable in the way you were living, and not really hungering for anything new? Were you pulled out of it against your will? Did you rebel? Are you eternally grateful to who- or what- ever showed you a different way of being?

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