Rebelle Society

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Time to Unleash our Dragons.

What does my dragon spirit guide's behavior tell me? While elitism, classist prejudice, stereotyping and neglect can most certainly explain the many unexpected 'revenge votes' of this election, I think what's really at play, and what will be under continuous threat of being trumped this entire  ...

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4 am and Other Reluctant Friendships.

Instead of willing sleep to return, I've stopped fighting the shifting light. There's something oddly soothing about its reassuring progress. It is symbolic of impermanence. Nothing can remain the same, everything must change. It is these early morning meetings of truth that have led me to  ...

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A Seeker’s Guide To Contentment.

Sometimes you need to lose focus, get dirty and drown yourself in deep levels of frustration and confusion in order to feel that familiar and fond invitation to discover new unfathomable levels of clarity. For that is our job as the seekers of the world. That is our purpose.

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