Rebelle Society

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Kristi Stout


Stop Fucking And Return To Romance.

I am a romantic and quite an old-fashioned one. I probably would’ve been best-suited for the days of Jane Austen and the Victorian-esque style of all things desire and love. Though the clash therein would’ve been in the sense that I am way too headstrong and would’ve had issue with the  ...

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you & me

Unleash That Wild Thing Beneath Your Skin.

The initial spark that caused the Big Bang within my being came from a look in your eye that was molten. I’ll never forget that look. It was the first time anybody ever looked at me that way and I’ve experienced an array of the way eyes make connections. It was a look so deep it seeped through  ...

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you & me

Desire, Innocence, Love and Elijah Wood.

A dream is a wish your heart makes When you’re fast asleep In dreams you will lose your heartaches Whatever you wish for, you keep Have faith in your dreams and someday Your rainbow will come smiling through No matter how your heart is grieving If you keep on believing the dream that you wish  ...

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you & me

Kneel Before Me: Let Me Lie At Your Feet.

If women want to be equal to men all we have to do is own what is divinely feminine, but own it out loud and not be demure or subservient about it. For that is exactly what men have done for the past thousands of years: Owned what was divinely masculine, conquered and built. But now the balance  ...

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you & me

I Want You Beneath A Red Moon.

Is it okay to say that I want you? Is it okay to say that I love you? Without knowing how or why, beyond logic or understanding? Because to say these things is as crazy as being on the verge of outer space without a space-suit — vulnerable, unprotected, annihilated, but totally there with  ...

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you & me

Warrior Rising.

“Whenever a warrior decides to do something, he must take responsibility for what he does. No matter what he does, he must know first why he is doing it, and then he must proceed with his actions without having doubts or remorse about them.” ~ Carlos Castaneda The forging of a sword is violent.  ...

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you & me

If Love Is A Light, I Am A Prism.

If Love is light, I am a prism. What makes a crystal sparkle? The light. There is no luster without light. Also, luster exists in the facets of the crystal. For on these facets the light is captured, refracted and seen. It is through the facets that Light is recognized. Without facets the light  ...

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10 Wicked Morsels for Living a Sexy Life.

From bits of my favorite quotations compiled with my own life experiences, birthed from my love of sharing love, these morsels were born. Each of them is followed by a question. I feel that questions are the doorways to personal evolution, which give us cause to embark on grand and glorious  ...

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