As my attachment to Buddha grows and I feel myself becoming more and more inclined to bow before him, I have to wonder, what is it that I’m searching for?
I was no angel either. When a guy fucked me right away and deigned to call me the next day, I recoiled, referring to an Eminem lyric that rang all too true.
Having an orgasmic life is when you choose to live in gratitude for all the moments given to you by the Universe, and choose to flow with them instead of resisting.
The irony with orgasms is that if you are not trying desperately to have one, the more likely they are to occur. Settle yourself into a happy acceptance that you might come while you are asleep and dreaming, but if you don’t, that is okay too; a good night’s sleep is seriously underrated.
I wonder what it’s like in your head, not just in your bed, where orgasms preside and emotional baggage is checked at the door. The bed you enter in the dark like a tornado, and escape from in the light like an illuminating lightning storm. The kind of storm one wants to get close to because of ...
Yep, cunnilingus is a form of art. And if you don't feel confident in painting with your tongue, you'll most likely feel a bit uncomfortable in doing so. But what is it exactly that women like?
A Tantra teacher first introduced me to this phenomenon, and I find it super interesting… If you want, it’s a reflection of the anatomical structure of the genitals: For women, it’s going from the outside to the inside. From full-body stimulation to local stimulation. For men, it’s going from ...