Tantra is Hinduism’s rebellious branch. Only later was it appropriated by other Eastern religions, and is usually presented in this updated way to the West.
I discovered the joy of swearing at an early age, despite (or maybe because of) parents who seldom swore and strongly discouraged their three daughters from doing so.
The con artists are still con artists, and their spam emails are still spam, but there are ancient techniques from historical cultures that can actually produce measurable changes in penis size. They are little-known, mostly because they don’t involve anything that costs money, so it is not in ...
I mourn a world that sells vaginal deodorants and labioplasties, mandating us to buy products so we can finally wear white and no longer be ashamed by leaks and smells. Incessant messages urge us to pluck, shave, tighten, tuck, wax, perfume, and bleach, lest we offend.