Rebelle Society

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Open Swim. {fiction}

Thomas was closer now. She could almost feel his breath. She wondered how he had moved so quickly without her noticing. “They’re beautiful,” Thomas said, “and that’s why. We’re not different. You run here to be quiet. I’m quiet all day because I’m tired of running.” Charlotte was breathing  ...

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Even Rebels And Revolutionaries Need Routine.

Let’s revolutionize the routine. Let’s creatively and rebelliously fashion a transcontinental, transportable, convertible routine. Let us devote ourselves to finding fortitude amidst the flight-fatigue, harmony inside the hustle, clarity among the commotion and rest in the middle of this  ...

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Getting Quiet To Live Loud.

This sense of quiet (upholding boundaries, listening to my body, meditating, and letting go of unneeded distractions) allows me to take breaks without feeling as if I am letting anyone down, allows me to meditate and feed my soul, allows me to be present to those I love, and allows me to  ...

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