To The Women On The Brink Of Breaking. {poetry}

I am a woman, within me a young girl is skipping
Over puddles and places and dreams and the faces
Of those she walks with in her sleep.
I am a woman, my mother’s hand gripped perfectly, softly ’round my cheeks
Creating peaks for a child with starry eyes to climb
I am a woman, within my sighs
You can hear me giggling.
I am a woman, strong arms, legs and voice to guide me
Hide me somewhere, quick
I am much too bright, much too loud
In this coming cloud I’m sure you can find me
I am a woman, listen to my silence
And I’m sure you will hear me cooing
I’m undoing
I am a woman, reviewing
Translating the voices of my ancestors into images
I am a woman, shedding her skin
Over and over again,
Like a snake
I remake myself
I am a woman, animalistic, ballistic,
to the other side of my cage
and do not feed me.
I am a woman, don’t say you need me
Seed me in the earth, instead
And I will sprout.
I am a woman, delicate
And growing
Sewing parts of myself back together
Forever, I will be a woman untangling
I am a woman
Unsteady, ready to take on the sacred unknown
I’ve been shown
The way.
I am a woman
Walking between worlds, shifting between elements
I am a woman, naked, raw and real
Seal my lips shut, that is okay
I am a woman and I know my power is within,
I am not skin-thin
I am a woman, deep
I’ll seep within every exposed space
I am a woman, in lace
and steel-toed boots just the same
I share the name of the sisters who have come before me
I see
That I am a woman
And I’ll take her with me wherever I may go,
Wherever I may flow
I know the truth of my being
And so it will show
I am a woman, my soul is my compass
My body a temple
I deserve to be heard, touched and seen
I’ve been to the darkest places in my heart
And I’ll part with all of the things which reflect it;
I am worthy.
I am a woman; I don’t need to be showered
Cuddled or kissed
I missed the commercials which informed us to be weak
I’ll speak my mind
I am not a feminist
I am a woman
Don’t attempt to understand me
If you have yet to indulge in the mystery of magic
I’m tragic, tumbling through traffic
I’m manic
I am a woman
Passionate, ecstatic,
Soothing and moving through static
I am a woman,
Share me.
Dare me to sit still
Try to control me, I am a flame
And even when I wither away,
My embers will steam
I am a beam of light
Coming in through the window
I am a woman
Coherent and intelligent and able
I will never remember your name
Rather, your soul
I am a woman
Made up of the same
Stuff of the wind
And the sea
I will never be
Less than
a woman
So Don’t fuck with Me.
Raised in Canada, Marly Jean is a restless rambler with a sacred yet sinful attachment to art. It is both her dark and her light; her muse and her addiction. In words she could never describe the feelings that hide far beneath the veil of her face… but she still tries. Vulnerability is the sugar sprinkled upon the canvas of a masterpiece; to expose the spaces she thought to be silent. Spending most of her time traveling, working with kids, making art and making love — her life mirrors what she feels so deeply within herself. She enjoys very long walks on the beach, writing poetry and short stories, reading tarot, painting murals, pencil crayon drawings, and sucking the nectar from each second of her life. If you were to go looking for such a person you would be wise to try the hillside, where the trees tower, or the sea… or her website.
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