Rebelle Society

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you & me

Growing New Roots By Letting Go Of Your Ghosts.

I’m going to do this the only way I know how -- one day at a time. One action, revealing the next. One focus, yielding progress. One green light, opening the road of possibility. Of hope. Of opportunity. Of believing that the best is here, and I have everything in myself to co-create with it.

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The Beauty Of The Darkness Of Light.

My lamplight may dim from time to time, yet is never out, and you must be wondering by now what the actual point of this article is. I must admit, I truly have no idea, seriously, but you are still reading, and my duty as a writer is to come up with something intelligent-sounding. So this is  ...

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Dear Empath, We Need You.

You will cry out in the meeting in which no one else would raise a hand, shining light on the vibes underlying the entire group. You will speak up for the whales, the ocean, even the air, which has been so violently ripped of life by those around you. You will not stop shedding your tears until  ...

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you & me

Planetary Tribe: I Wish For Us To See Each Other.

But now we know and we feel more and more every day; the others are actually pieces of our own puzzle. They carry the energy and inspiration we need every day to fuel our lives. They give us the love we seek and they share with us the ideas we can develop. They might have found the key we lost,  ...

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