After I reached out to her for help, she took the time to get to know what was wrong, which was a part of the healing session. She spent hours with me.
These are not mantras for the fainthearted. They take into account that sometimes life is a bed of nails blanketed over by chocolate-covered rose petals.
Much like flowers with bright and colorful buds, our self-work shines from the inside out. Raising your own vibrations helps lift those around you. Others can’t help but see your glow.
You see, it is not my mission to empower anybody. I cannot help but recognize that the word itself entails that power is being 'given' instead of revealed. I cannot give something that is already the very basis of who you -- who we -- are.
Finding our way back to the source of our pain requires patience, introspection and self-compassion. It requires us to step out of our head and into our heart.
I believe the yogin, just like the martial artist, is another embodiment of the warrior archetype. It takes the endurance of the warrior to confront what arises in the stillness of the present moment.